Thursday, February 2, 2012

70 rules on daily life I try to live by

On Fashion

  1. Rate each article of clothing in your closet on a scale of 1 to 10.  10 makes you feel fabulous.  If an item isn't above an 8.5, throw it out and replace it with an article with a higher rating.  
  2. Casual does not mean sloppy. 
  3. Shoes are your signature.
  4. Life is too short for a bad handbag.      
  5. Never wear an accessory that has lost its purpose.  
  6. Never go binge shopping.  You will likely buy things you don't need, and then you can't afford things your wardrobe could actually use.  Shop sober!
  7. Only wear items that fit.    
  8. Always be age appropriate.  And decade appropriate.
  9. Never wear something just because everybody else is.  
  10. Never be too obsessed with fashion.  

On Relationships

  1. Never date anyone you would not want to be friends with.
  2. Know who your friends are.  
  3. Never friend people on facebook you do not want to be friends with in "real life". 
  4. Say what you mean and mean what you say. 
  5. Refusing to forgive is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.
  6. Everyone needs space.  
  7. Stop making excuse for him.
  8. Never date a man who has no expectations for his life.
  9. Never date a man who does not live for something greater than himself.  
  10. Always have a friend you can do things spontaneously with.

On Being a Lady

  1.  You are complex.  Accept your own complexity.
  2.  Don't be cheap.  
  3.  Earn respect.  
  4.  Don't complain when guys open the door for you.  Get over yourself.  
  5.  Every once in awhile, you should dress up just because you feel like it.  
  6. Always stick up for yourself.  
  7. Playing hard to get may not be such a bad idea sometimes.  
  8. Wear something that makes you feel girly everyday.  
  9. Never blame your mistakes on Mother Nature.
  10. Aim to bring a little more grace into the world today than there was yesterday.

On Education

  1. Find at least one subject to study for its own sake and stop worrying about whether or not it will get you a decent paying job.   
  2. Try your best to have a basic understanding of history and art.    
  3. Strive to understand material more than just pass a test. 
  4. Going to college does not make you educated.  
  5. Most learning starts after graduation.  
  6. Searching Youtube does not qualify as "research".
  7. Learn the basic rules of chess.
  8. The dictionary is your friend. 
  9. Have a basic understanding of other cultures and religions. 
  10. Never think you are educated enough. 

On Work

  1. Aim to eventually find a job that fits into your calling.
  2. Volunteer at least once in your life.  
  3. No matter how bad you're feeling, always greet your co-workers with a smile and ask how they are doing.
  4. Try to understand angry clients and customers.  You've been one before too.
  5. Be teachable when you make work-related mistakes.
  6. Never accept a dead-end job.
  7. Find purpose in what you do.
  8. Try to avoid office politics.  
  9. Respect the people who hired you.  

On Money

  1. A budget is your best friend. 
  2. Don't beat yourself up over money mistakes too long.  
  3. You're never going to have enough.  Get used to it.
  4. If you don't master money, it's going to master you.  Remember who's in charge.  
  5. Spend a fair amount of time thinking of where you want to be financially in ten years. 
  6. Never go into debt because you think you deserve it.  You don't.
  7. Understand the difference between luxury and necessity. 
  8. Understand the difference between asset and liability. 
  9. Find a source for money advice you can trust.    
  10. Never hold money too tightly or too loosely.  

On Time

  1. Make sure there is time in your schedule to escape. 
  2. Get off facebook and read a book.
  3. Find a morning ritual and fight to keep it.
  4. Before you watch a video on Youtube, ask, "why am I watching this?"  
  5. Make time in your schedule to be spontaneous.  
  6. Always find time to tend to your health.  
  7. People are always the top priority.  
  8. Stop multitasking and focus.  Not only do you save time, but you enjoy time more.  
  9. Never dwell too long on time lost.  Because that is time lost.  
  10. Never use the lack of time as an excuse not to do the right thing.

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